Hole no. 16

A shorter hole with a very difficult green that goes up the hill


What's going on in the resort?

Par 4
Stroke Index 6
Time for hole 0:16
Time from 1st tee 3:50
343 m
316 m
288 m
269 m
236 m

The last hole on the lower plateau. Big hitters have to carefully consider if they want to choose driver as the ravine comes into play.

The golfer must carry the water hazard leaving yourself on a relatively flat open fairway.

The designer recommends that you add an extra club to your approach shot as the green is located on the upper plateau. If your approach shot is short a drop zone is provided to the left of the green.

An elevated, intensely sloped green is one of the most difficult on the course. Leaving your approach shot below the hole is imperative.

Birdie card for the 16th hole

Fly over the hole

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Local rules

  • Out of bounds - marked by white stakes on the left side along the footpath (ends by the penalty area).
  • Penalty areas (yellow stakes) - the pond ahead of the fairway and the stream in front of the green.
  • Drop zone - on the left side of the green behind the penalty area. You can use it when you hit a bad approach shot going into the penalty area.
  • Sandy Wasters - areas with yellow sand on the right side near pond. Grounding your club is promoted here.