Hole no. 13
Par 5 going around a forest
Par | 5 |
Stroke Index | 4 |
Time for hole | 0:19 |
Time from 1st tee | 3:02 |
454 m |
446 m |
420 m |
394 m |
379 m |
Strategic par 5 with water on the right side and out of bounds on the left. Long and well positioned drive is definitely an advantage here.
The golfer is faced with a decision - should I cut the dogleg over the forest or should I lay up and leave myself with a short wedge to the green?
Shorter players should play second shot along the forest and place themselves in a comfortable position on the fairway for approach.
For the long hitters local knowledge is at a premium, as if you choose to try and reach the green in two, you are faced with a long blind carry over a forest.
Long and narrow classic saddle shaped green requires the golfer to be accurate as the green is highly undulating and long puts can be a gamble at best.
Local rules
- Penalty areas (yellow stakes) - dry stream ahead of fairway.
- Penalty areas (red stakes) - bushes on the left side (out in infinity), pond on the right side.